
Note: Click on the respective project titles to visit the repositories.

  • Android App Front End

    • I build an android app front end during my internship, under the guidance of my mentor, that would basically work as a note book to store user's input.

  • Housing Management Database System

    • Me and my 2 group members build a database management system in python that would store the data of incoming and outgoing people/guests from a society.
    • The database stored Name of the person, Vehicle Id(if any), Entry and Exit time and Contact Details. We can also perform CRUD operations on it.
    • We used Python's Tkinter library for creating the GUI (frontend) of the software and sqlite3 library for creating and managing the database (backend).

  • Walmart Stock Price Prediction

    • An implementation of machine learning model that predicts adjusted close price of Walmart store stocks.
    • An implementation of linear regression machine learning algorithms on Walmart stock dataset.
    • The model works on an MSE of 22.18.

  • Heart Stroke Prediction

    • An implementation of various machine learning algorithms for comparison on heart stroke dataset.
    • I've implemented 6 different algorithms and compared their accuracies.
    • The best accuracy across all the models is of 92.76%.

  • Survivor Predictions using Neural Networks

    • An implementation neural networks on the titanic dataset.
    • This is my first Deep learning project.
    • The model performed with an accuracy of 79%.

  • Analysis of Algorithms (with and without PCA)

    • An implementation of various machine learning algorithms for comparison of performance with and without PCA on dermatology dataset.
    • I've implemented 8 different algorithms and compared their training and testing accuracies with and without PCA.
    • The best accuracy across all the models is of 98.65%.








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